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SAVE THE DATE: Virtual Advocacy Day

The Iowa State Capitol on a sunny day.

On Thursday, March 21, 2019 the Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence invite you to participate in a Virtual Advocacy Day.

How does a virtual advocacy day work?

On the morning of March 21st, we will send you sample phone scripts, sample social media posts, and sample letters/emails that you can personalize and send to your legislators. Post photos of you and/or your group participating in the virtual advocacy day to social media (you can also tag your legislators in posts, too!).

Who can participate?

The short answer: anyone can participate. If you are an Iowan who prioritizes safe and healthy communities, we want you to participate. If you belong to a victim service agency, think about involving your board, volunteers, service users, and donors in this effort.

Will the coalition provide templates for participation?

Yes. And, the samples we send out will only take a few minutes to personalize. You can send these out first thing in the morning while you are drinking coffee in your pajamas, or you can host a large volunteer letter-signing party that evening – whatever suits you! Creativity welcomed.

How will you know I/we have participated?

Take selfies and pictures of you or your group participating in the action. Tag us on social media @IowaCASA, @ICADV. Use the hashtags: #VirtualAdvocacyDay and #AdvocacyDayIA

Anything I should do in advance of March 21st?

Other than telling your friends about our virtual advocacy day, you can get to know your legislators and review our legislative issues. Here are resources to help:


Email Maggie at or Laura at

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