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Iowans weigh in on historic hearing of Supreme Court nominee

Iowans wrestled Thursday over whose story to believe -- that of a California psychology professor who claims she was sexually assaulted by a young, drunken Brett Kavanaugh or that of a Supreme Court nominee vigorously defending his honor to keep his dream of serving on the highest court alive.

The saga illuminates the polarization in a nation that is deeply divided, politically and culturally.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford gave an emotional testimony in which she said she was 100 percent certain that Kavanaugh threw her on a bed, tried to remove her clothes and put his hand over her mouth as she tried to yell for help. A friend of Kavanaugh was present, and both laughed "uproariously" during the incident, which took place in a locked bedroom at a gathering of high school friends in the 1980s, Ford said. "They're having fun at my own expense," she testified.

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