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Spotlight: Supporting older adult survivors in rural Iowa

Older woman looking into the distance

Crisis Intervention & Advocacy Center (CIAC) is a private non-profit that supports survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, homicide, violent crime, homelessness and abuse later in life. CIAC’s mission is to “unite communities to end violence and oppression for all people.” Our agency believes in providing free and confidential services to survivors in Adair, Adams, Clarke, Dallas, Decatur, Guthrie, Madison, Ringgold, Taylor and Union Counties.

Our Center's philosophy is to empower victims and/or survivors to claim or take back their right to make their own decisions. This includes the right to remain in their home, receive services that are empathetic and respectful, and the right to determine their own needs. Our services are free, voluntary, confidential and available to all without discrimination. Through leadership and education, CIAC works collaboratively with the community to promote social change and to end violence.

In 2017, Crisis Intervention & Advocacy Center served 1,577 survivors. Over 88 percent lived in rural areas. In an effort to serve those most at risk, we have made concerted efforts to serve youth and older Iowans as services have not traditionally been focused on these two age groups.

To support these efforts, CIAC partnered with the Iowa Attorney General’s office for a grant to provide services for Iowans 50 and over. A recent survey conducted by the Attorney General’s office that found many older Iowans experience abuse, including the fear of a spouse/partner, family member, or a caregiver. Participants identified that there were three main items that would be most helpful to survivors of abuse in later life: a 24-hour helpline; affordable legal help; and case management.

CIAC believes that this marginalized community continues to fit within our mission statement of all people deserving the right to live their life free from violence and oppression. CIAC currently employs three full time advocates that specialize in abuse later in life.


To find out more about the support CIAC offers survivors, visit their website at You can also contact their office at 515-993-4095. CIAC has the following 24/7 hotlines available. All services are available in Spanish.

Sexual Abuse Hotline: 1-800-550-0004

Domestic Abuse Hotline: 1-800-400-4884

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